With so many really competent professional photographers in Bath, I'm really pleased to have been chosen by the ThreeBestRated website as one of the top three photographers in Bath.
Unlike many web directories, ThreeBestRated doesn't publish recommendations in exchange for payment. Instead, they closely scrutinise the work of photographers (and driving instructors, plumbers, accountants etc). They check for evidence of consistently high quality work, customer reviews and satisfaction, reputation and value for money, and I am delighted to have been chosen by them as one of the top three photographers in Bath, as judged against their stringent criteria.
Screenshot showing ThreeBestRated's recommendations for Bath's three most positively reviewed photographers, including Beata Cosgrove Photography
Here's the link: https://threebestrated.co.uk/photographers-in-bath
And here are some reviews of my work, which have enabled me to get this recommendation: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=beata+cosgrove+photography&oq=beata+cosgrove&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j35i39l2j69i60l3.6096j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x48718118303084e1:0xca52fd40ab1838b9,1,
Clearly, having a strong online presence is key to a photographer just as it is to any businessperson, and I'm really glad to also be featured on the Wedding Secret's webpage:https://www.theweddingsecret.co.uk/beata-cosgrove-photography-wedding-photography-bath.html